
  • How many hours a day can you wear contact lenses?

    You can wear contact lenses in all comfort and safety for 14 to 16 hours per day. However, it’s always better to take them out as soon as you can, and especially before you go to bed because your eyes need to breathe.

  • Can you get non-prescription colored contacts at Lens Luxe?

    No. Due to Federal and State laws and regulations, a valid contact lens prescription is required in order to purchase any type of contact lenses, even if you do not need them for vision correction.

  • Are contact lenses better than glasses?

    Contacts lenses can give you a more natural look compared to glasses because they don’t vary the aesthetics of your face and are a direct extension of your eye. Contacts are useful when it comes to playing sports as they won’t hurt your face. They also don’t steam up when it’s cold or rainy.


cursorPlacing orders

  • I made a mistake when ordering my new contacts. How can I fix it?

    We understand that mistakes happen. As soon as you notice an error, email us and we'll be happy to correct the mistake and get the correct contacts to you.

    If the incorrect lenses have already been shipped, simply return the unopened box and call our customer service department to get your prescription information corrected.


  • Can you order contact lenses without a prescription?

All contact lenses require a valid prescription as they are are classified as medical devices. Please only order contact lenses that have been prescribed by an eye doctor, even in the case of colored contacts.

  • How do you read a prescription for contact lenses?
Your contact lens prescription contains specific information about the corrective power required to help you see clearly. You'll need to select your contact lens brand and provide us with your prescription information so that we can send you exactly what you need. Below is an example of a typical lens prescription:

prescription information

If you have any questions regarding your prescription or need to clarify the information contained within, contact your eye doctor. We cannot provide advice about your prescription, corrective requirements, or which lenses are best for you.


  • Can I use my eyeglass prescription for contact lenses?

    Glasses and contact lenses will have different prescriptions. This is mainly due to the fact that contact lenses are positioned directly on your eye, while your eyeglasses sit further away.